Monday, June 20, 2016

Important Handout

At Tuesday's meeting, you will receive an important handout with an updated packing list, as well as mailing information, medical information, and other information critical to maximizing your scout's enjoyment of Summer Camp. We will go over this handout on Tuesday, but please take the time to review the handout when you get home. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Lebens.

Also, note that if your scout will need to take prescription medications at camp, it is critical that your complete a separate instruction sheet detailing each dose of medical and when it is to be administered.  A "Routine Drug Administration Record" form will be available at Tuesday night's meeting for this purpose.

Please note that all prescription drugs will be at the health lodge. The adult leaders will verify with the scout that they have gone to the health lodge and taken their medications, but will not be administering these medications. As such, all the administration record will reflect is that the scout was asked, and confirmed that they have taken their medications. If you are concerned that a greater level of verification is needed, please contact Mr. Lebens.

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